Cloud Cost Management and Optimisation

Save upto 40% on your Cloud Billing

Top Challenges With Cloud Cost Management

Lack of Visibility into Cloud Spend

Without clear insights, organizations struggle to track where cloud costs accrue.
Transparent monitoring tools are essential for cost control.

Lack of Accurate Forecasting

Inaccurate predictions lead to budget overruns.
Robust forecasting models help allocate resources effectively.

Absence of cost-conscious culture

When cost awareness isn’t ingrained, overspending occurs.
Foster a culture that values cost optimization.

Lack of Organizational Alignment

Misaligned teams make it challenging to manage costs.
Collaboration ensures consistent cost-saving strategies.

Lack of accountability

Without ownership, cost management efforts falter.
Assign clear responsibilities for cost optimization within finance, project team, business team, IT, etc.

Working with Trusted Partner

Partnering with experts streamlines cost management.
Trusted advisors guide efficient cloud spending and building FinOps Cluture and Roadmap

How we approach cloud cost management

Our proven approach help customers reduce thier monthly cloud billing

Cost Visiility & Control via Dashboarding

Understand where and how costs are being accrued.
Single view of multicloud usages dashboard for better understanding and control

Cost Saving

Consider rightsizing resources, reducing wasted capacity, implementing commercial corrections, and leveraging committed use discounts (CUD).

Chargeback & Accountability

Cost ownership at the individual department for accountability, Cost breakup and chargeback to department.

Consulting & Forecasting

We enable FinOps maturity, build a Cloud FinOps Roadmap, and customize forecasting for future cloud spend.

Our Cloud Cost Management impact enterprises at each level


- Manage Risk
- Decision for Good Cloud Investment
- Impact on Company bottom line

CIO’s/ CTO’s

- Prediction on cloud consumption vs business growth
- Enable engineering to adopt newer cloud technology to faster GTM

CFO & IT Finance

- Increase Cloud cost accountability
- Reliance on Budget vs Forecast
- Show back & Chargeback
- Obtain best cloud rates

Product & Engineering

- Product decision with business outcome
- Accountable to Cloud cost

Why choose us?

Potential Saving

Potential Saving

Single View For Multi Cloud

Single View For Multi Cloud

Customized Cost Saving Approach

Customized Cost Saving Approach

Real-time Monitoring

Real-time Monitoring

AI Based Consumption Forecast

AI Based Consumption Forecast

Long-term Association For FinOps Maturity Stages

Long-term Association For FinOps Maturity Stages